Wednesday 3 June 2015

English Grammar-Noun Numbers

What is singular noun?
A singular means only one,a noun that denotes one person,thing or animal is called singular noun I.e. Cup,book,pen,chair etc...
what is plural noun?
A plural means more than one, a noun that denotes multiple persons, animals or things is called plural noun. I.e. Cups,books,pens,chairs etc...
Ways to making plural nouns
1-Most nouns are formed plural by adding"s" to the singular nouns.
Singulars            Plurals
Bank                       banks
insect                      insects
Judge                      judges
Job                          jobs
2-Nouns that end in ch,sh,x,z,zz,s,sh are formed plural by adding"es".

Singular           Plurals
Match                 matches
Watch                 watches
Tax                      taxes
Topaz                 topazes
Buzz                   buzzes
Gas                     gases
Bus                     buses
Bush                   bushes
3-Most nouns that end in y,preceded by consonant,are made plural by changing y into i and then adding "es".
Singulars      Plurals
Army                 armies
City                    cities
Lady                  ladies
Baby                  babies
Enemy              enemies
Duty                  duties
Victory              victories
4-Nouns that end in y,preceded by vowel,then add "s" to make plurals.
Singulars         Plurals
Tray                    trays
Key                      keys
Essay                   essays
Bay                       bays
Valley                 valleys
 5-Nouns that end in o,preceded by consonant,are make plural  by adding "es" to singulars.
Singulars            Plurals
Hero                        heroes
Zero                        zeroes
Tomato                   tomatoes
Valcano                  valcanoes
Mango                     mangoes
Echo                        echoes
6-Sometimes nouns that end in o,are made plural by adding only"s".
Singulars             Plurals
Canto                      cantos
Piano                      pianos
Casino                    casinos
Photo                     photos
7-Nouns that end in o,preceded by another vowel,are made plurals by adding "s".
Singulars             Plurals
Zoo                          zoos
Ratio                       ratios
Studio                     studios
Cameo                    cameos
Video                     videos
Audio                     audios
8-Nouns that end in f, fe are formed plural changing f,fe into "v" then adding "es".
Singulars             Plurals
Life                          lives
Wife                         wives
Thief                        thieves
Wolf                          wolves
Loaf                          loaves
Shelf                         shelves
Half                          halves
Knife                        knives
9-Some nouns don't follow this rule of ves,they simply become plural by only adding "s".
Singulars                 Plurals
Roof                             roofs
Hoof                             hoofs
Gulf                             gulfs
Cliff                             cliffs
Staff                            staffs
10-Some nouns make their plural irregularly.
Singulars                   Plurals
Man                                men
Woman                          woman
Child                              children
Tooth                             teeth
Foot                               feet
Ox                                  oxen
Mouse                           mice
Louse                            lice
Goose                           geese


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